Publicly owned companies must report earnings per share (EPS) below the net income line in their income statements. This is mandated by generally accepted accounting practices (GAAP). The EPS gives investors a means of determining the amount the business earned on its stock share investments. In other words, EPS tells investors how much net income the business earned for each stock share they own. It's calculated by dividing net income by the total number of capital stock share. It's important to the stockholders who want the net income of the business to be communicated to them on a per share basis so they can compare it with the market price of their shares.
Private businesses don't have to report EPS because stockholders focus more on the business's total net income.
Publicly-held companies actually report two EPS figures, unless they have what's known as a simple capital structure. Most publicly-held companies though, have complex capital structures and have to report two EPS figures. One is called the basic EPS; the other is called the diluted EPS. Basic EPS is based on the number of stock shares that are outstanding. Diluted earnings are based on shares that are outstanding and shares that may be issued in the future in the form of stock options.
Obviously this is a complicated process. An accountant has to adjust the EPS formula for any number of occurrences or changes in the business. A business might issue additional stock shares during the year and buy back some of its own shares. Or it might issue several classes of stock, which will cause net income to be divided into two or more pools - one pool for each class of stock. A merger, acquisition or divestiture will also impact the formula for EPS.
Having a goal in your life is important. Otherwise, you won’t feel the need to live on.
Yet, some can’t achieve the goal because of they don’t know how to set it effectively and correctly.
Yes, the goal setting is as important as the achievement. You’ll reach your goal a lot more easily if set it well.
Here are some important notes for you to comprehend on an effective goal setting:
• The most important thing in setting your goal is to be precise. Try to include t...
Article Body:
Having a goal in your life is important. Otherwise, you won’t feel the need to live on.
Yet, some can’t achieve the goal because of they don’t know how to set it effectively and correctly.
Yes, the goal setting is as important as the achievement. You’ll reach your goal a lot more easily if set it well.
Here are some important notes for you to comprehend on an effective goal setting:
• The most important thing in setting your goal is to be precise. Try to include time, date and other details to ease you in the process. Also, it helps you measure the achievement.
Write your goals down on paper so that you can avoid any confusion. It also can help you commit to your own words.
• Try to set goals over something that you will still be able to control. This can help you guide your accomplishment in the goal. Avoid anything that might have external factors that might keep you away from achieving your goal.
Try not to make goals based on a reward system. It might highly motivate you at the commencement but once you achieve these types of goals you might not feel as much personal satisfaction.
• It is extremely vital to set a realistic goal. Don’t set a goal that is too high for you. You have to know your level of performance. The goal has to be set within the levels. One or two levels higher will be acceptable. But, five to ten levels higher will just end you up in desperation for not being able to achieve the goal.
• Yet, don’t make it too easy when setting your goal. Low goal is easy to achieve but you won’t get as much satisfaction.
The process of goal achievement should also be a process for you to be a better person, to be more self-confident. If you can achieve a big goal, it will surely raise your self-confidence level. Just get yourself be challenged by your goal.
Don’t be afraid of failure. Yet don’t let it get you drowned.
• Thinking through your goals before you make them. This way, you can end up making only wise goals.
You need to go through several details and factors before finally setting the goal. First, consider the other commitments that you have made, will it be keeping you away from your effort to reach your goals? Second, how much time you have to devote to achieving your goal? Do you think you have that much of time? Third, what are the skills that you need to have to help you reach the goal? Forth, think about alternative ways to achieve the goals.
If you have set the goals in a correct and effective way, you can now do all you can to make them come true. Good luck!
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